All federally funded purchases above the micropurchase thresholds outlined in the section directly above must be supported by either several quotes to support price analysis, or a Sole Source Justification in accordance with the requirements in 24 CFR 84 and 85, and eCFR §200.318-324. Please substantiate your requisition by using the Form A: Source Selection and Price Reasonableness Form. All transactions over $9,999.99 using federal funds will be reviewed by Campus Purchasing. Need help navigating the Form A? Click here for a quick tutorial.

The use of a UCOP Agreement Vendor ( substantiates price analysis, since most of the UCOP Agreements have been competitively bid (if you don't have the login/password for this website, email It's important to note, however, that some UCOP Agreements are categorized as a Price Schedule, such as Agilent, Olympus, and GE Healthcare. These contracts provide the University with price reasonableness justification, but not as a source selection since the agreements were not competitively bid. Only Primary and Co-Primary contracts may be used in lieu of soliciting competition.

The following are examples of how to substantiate Price Reasonableness, together with a discount (discount alone is not justifiable), in order of preference:

  1. Price competition - comparison of quotes
  2. UCOP, State, or GSA contract pricing, or comparison with prices under these existing contracts
  3. Prior price history with the same vendor, same items (include the Gateway PO number and $ amount paid)
  4. Comparison with current, or recent prices for a similar item(s) with another vendor
  5. Market research, and/or catalog or established price list (sales to the general public - screen shot ok)

Our ONR (Office of Naval Research) Lead Auditor said the following in order to prove the statement you write on the Form A:

"Just make sure you can back up what they write with listings, price histories, or other data. Back up is the key. An auditor should not have to question anything."

CLICK HERE for options on how to justify a Sole Source.