Document Retention for Procurement Services
Knowing what records to keep and for how long is critical and challenging. The following requirements are based on University policy that govern the retention of administrative records. The University of California maintains a Records Retention Schedule that provides exact guidance on how long departments must retain records, a glossary, and FAQs. If you have any questions please contact the UCSB Records Management Coordinator. The Records Management Coordinator at each campus and the Office of the President shall be responsible for the development, coordination, implementation, and management of the Program at that location. Implementation includes providing advice, information, and training, as necessary, to local personnel regarding records management. The local program shall include development and maintenance of retention schedules specific to the location, as appropriate.
It is important to note that any records created or received on any device belong to the Regents of the University of California, and all UC records on personal devices are subject to California Public Records Act requests.
This information is to provide a general idea of how long documents should be retained pertaining to, but not limited to, critical functions within Procurement Services. More information for UCSB departments can be found at Records Management.
General Guidelines for Records Retention Management
- Purchase Orders (which includes requisitions, quotes, signed contracts, etc.) - 6 years, or if federally funded: 6 years after the expiration/termination of the sponsored activities; resolution of any litigation, claim, or audit; or the period stated in the award document - whichever is longer (Records Code 0005A1).
- BFS is the office of record for purchase orders and the supporting documentation.
- Jaggaer is the system of record for these records.
- Library is responsible for their own purchase orders issued from ALMA.
- RFP/RFQ - 10 years, or if federally funded: 6 years after the expiration/termination of the sponsored activities; resolution of any litigation, claim, or audit; or the period stated in the award document - whichever is longer (Records Code 0005F1)
- BFS is the office of record for RFP/RFQs and the supporting documentation.
- CalUSource is the system of record for these records.
- Vendor Onboarding documents (which includes Business Information Form, W8/9, ACH forms, and Conflict of Interest): 4 years after the end of fiscal year in which all activity related to the records has ceased. (Records COde 0005E2)
- BFS is the office of record for vendor forms and the supporting documentation.
- Peoplesoft/Oracle (the ERP) is the system of record for these records.
- Invoices, Receipts, and Credit Memos - 6 years, or if federally funded: 6 years after the expiration/termination of the sponsored activities; resolution of any litigation, claim, or audit; or the period stated in the award document - whichever is longer (Records Code 0005A1)
- P-Card Audits - 6 years, or if federally funded: 6 years after the expiration/termination of the sponsored activities; resolution of any litigation, claim, or audit; or the period stated in the award document - whichever is longer (Records Code 0005A1)
- P-Card Transactions - Official Record: Retain records for 4 years after the end of the fiscal year in which all activity has been completed.
- Subcontracting Plans/Reports - Official Record: Retain records for 6 years after the expiration/termination of the sponsored activities; resolution of any litigation, claim, or audit; or the period stated in the award document - whichever is longer.
- Equipment/EIMR - It is recommended to keep records 5 years after an award has closed and from the time of equipment disposals. Transfers of Equipment records through the use of an Equipment Inventory Modification Request (EIMR) form or equivalent should be retained for 5 years after the modification/transfer is complete.
- The Equipment Management Office is the office of record for Inventorial Equipment from acquisition to disposal.
- Jaggaer is the system of record for purchasing of Inventorial Equipment.
- UCOP Finance is the office of record for depreciation of Inventorial Equipment.
- The financial system is the system of record for equipment costs, in-service date and may serve as the physical inventory system.