Accounting is committed to expedite accurate and timely travel expense reimbursements via our online Concur system. We also enthusiastically support the UC Travel Management program which provides an efficient and cost-effective way for University faculty and staff to procure negotiated favorable rates from agencies and other travel service vendors. We strongly encourage University travelers and arrangers to establish their profiles in the secure Connexxus web portal to automatically access University travel agreements and benefits such as travel insurance coverage.
Entertainment–Hospitality Expenses
There are occasions when the University may provide hospitality to campus and/or community audiences to support the mission of the University. Accounting is charged with ensuring compliance with UC’s policies and procedures involving what is traditionally referred to as “Entertainment”. Our forms and compliance reference materials are designed to help define what types of activities are allowable under policy, as well as alert faculty and staff to procedures required for events involving catering, alcohol, promotional activities and employee recognition.
Useful Links
Currency Converter
International Travel to Restricted Foreign Countries
For support, please use our ServiceNow for Payment Services portal