A number of reports have been created to provide access to FlexCard information, both financial and organizational.
Financial Reporting information is available through a report that has been created in the Data Warehouse. Anyone with the appropriate Data Warehouse access can run the report.
Organizational information reports (participants, card information, exam authorizations, exam takers and results) have been created within the FlexCard Management Module. Only Department Administrators have access to these reports.
Data Warehouse Report
The Dept Flexcard Transaction Report provides a listing of FlexCard transactions as they appear on the General Ledger, including the name of the Cardholder who made the purchase. The report may be run from August 2008 forward. (Since Cardholder Name was not included in General Ledger data before that month, running the report for prior periods produces a report in which all transactions appear under a blank Cardholder Name.) The report may be run in either the Brio Desktop / Hyperion Studio, Hyperion Interactive Reporting Web Client or EZ Access applications.
Flexcard Management Module Reports
The FlexCard Management Module contains a series of reports, which the Department Administrator accesses by clicking the DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATOR REPORTS MENU. A complete manual detailing the various reports and subreports is available in the form of a Manual; brief descriptions are provided here.
Unless the Administrator manages more than one department code, this report has limited usefulness. The default display may be modified, however, to show all participating FlexCard departments. It is the only report that displays information for departments not managed by the Administrator.
Displays all program participants (Department Administrators, Reviewers, Allocators and Cardholders) under department codes managed by the Department Administrator. It may be restricted to one role, active or inactive participants, single department codes, etc.
Displays all Reviewers with the Cardholder(s) specifically assigned to each. It may be changed to display Cardholders first, with their assigned Reviewer(s). If a Cardholder does not appear, no specific Reviewer has been assigned to him/her and the appropriate notifications may not be being sent out by the Allocation Module.
The “Card Info” button takes you to the Cardholders Reports submenu, containing three reports:
Simple List of Cardholder Entries
Displays basic information for all Cardholders managed by the Administrator, including card expiration dates, default account, transaction limits and status.
Cardholders without Entries in the Authorizations Table
Should always display no records: even former Cardholders should have an INACTIVE authorization. If an active Cardholder does not have an authorization, he/she cannot log onto the Allocation Module and Program Administration must be contacted to correct the situation.
Cardholders without Reviewers
The report should always display no records: if a Cardholder has no Reviewers, none may be receiving notifications from the Allocation Module of new transactions that require review and approval.
Displays the exam status of all FlexCard program participants managed by the Administrator. Exam type, date passed and expiration date appears for each participant; participants with expired exams are highlighted.
Displays all exam attempts – passed, failed and incomplete – for each program participant managed by the Administrator.