Procurement Card Restrictions
Your UCSB FlexCard can be used to purchase a variety of goods and services for your department. However, some goods and services are restricted when using your card due to funding or policy restrictions.
One restriction is buying from campus services using your FlexCard. You should not use your FlexCard when purchasing products and services from on-campus retailers or campus services (also known as recharge or self-supporting unit/activity), such as the campus bookstore, facilities maintenance, ticket office, mail services, etc.
Role Administration
The Department Administrator is responsible for the approval, assignment (and re-assignment) of the Reviewer, Allocator and Cardholder roles within the department’s FlexCard program.
In cases where fraud has occurred, they must file a REPORT A REPLACEMENT CARD REQUEST in the Management Module as soon as informed of the fraud by the Cardholder: Program Administration cannot create a record of the replacement card account number if this report is not filed.
Whenever a program participant leaves the department, they must promptly initiate a request to inactivate or delete the individual's role within the Management Module. In the case of Cardholders, a REQUEST A CARD CANCELLATION must be submitted as soon as all outstanding purchases have been received in the Allocation Module.
Program Monitoring
The Department Administrator is responsible for ensuring that all FlexCard program controls and requirements are observed, including, but not limited to, adequate separation of duties, monitoring of purchases to ensure that restricted commodities are not purchased, maintenance of all required purchase documentation, use tax and non-taxable payment compliance, and completion of the approval process in the Allocation Module within 14 days after receipt of notification of a new transaction.
Department Audits
The Department Administrator is responsible for ensuring that all documentation related to Monthly Transactional Audits is provided to Program Administration within one week of receipt of the email request. In addition, they are responsible for assembling all documentation related to Annual Departmental Audits and for setting a time for the audit within three weeks of receipt of the email request.
The Department Administrator is also responsible for ensuring that the department conducts periodic self-audits of FlexCard purchases, to ensure compliance with all requirements.