Payment Plus is UC Santa Barbara’s preferred electronic method for issuing payments to payees. 

Payment Plus (Virtual Card) utilizes single-use virtual credit card for each payment to offer payees a payment solution designed to accelerate payment receipt. Suppliers will receive a secure email notification from U.S. Bank for each payment instructing them how to obtain the card information, the amount to process using their point-of-sale device/software, and other pertinent details of the transaction.

PaymentPlus Benefits

  • Net 0 payment terms
  • Increased support 
  • Real-time notifications for payments
  • Streamlined and efficient processing compared to ACH/Check payments

How PaymentPlus (Virtual Card) Work

Step 1:  Receiving a payment authorization email

An email will be sent to the payee that contains information required to process the payment: 

  • A one-time secure link to access the Supplier Web Portal
  • The deadline to process the payment and important payment information 

Step 2: Accessing the Supplier Web Portal 

Payees will be able to access the Supplier Web Portal with the last four digits of the card and the link from the payment authorization email. The Portal will provide additional payment details. 

Step 3: Processing the Payment 

Combine the payment details received in the authorization email with the payment details received from the portal to obtain all the information needed to process the Virtual Credit card. Payees will enter the credit card information in their system/merchant terminal to retrieve funds. 

Have questions?

Please contact if you have any questions regarding PaymentPlus (Virtual Card).