There are two key roles in the verification process:

  • E-Verify Program Administrator
    • Representatives from Business and Financial Services (BFS) and Human Resources (for staff) or Academic Personnel (for faculty) will be responsible for overseeing the E-Verify organizational process.
      • BFS will be responsible for distributing access roles
      • Human Resources (for staff) or Academic Personnel (for faculty) will work with the department on "Non-Confirmation" issues.
  • E-Verify General User
    • E-Verify General User roles will be assumed by departmental designated individuals who will be responsible for performing the online E-Verify queries to determine the new hire's (or existing employee's) work eligibility. Typically, General Users are individuals who are:
      • Responsible for leading the employment or payroll process for the department

      • Responsible for handling the appropriate hiring forms in the employment hiring process on behalf of the hiring department, including the processing of Form I-9.