Extramural Fund Accounting is responsible for the financial processing of Regents Endowments.

There are two types of Endowments:

True Endowments

  • Can only be done through donor designation
  • UC Regents minimum is $10K to start
  • Any amount can be invested thereafter

FFE (Fund Functioning as Endowments)

  • UC Regents minimum is $10K to start
    • Fill out an Attachment A
  • Additional investment or withdrawal min. $1k
    • Fill out an Attachment B

Useful Information

Endowment Fund Ranges:

13000-13999 Endowments Regents

16000-16999 Endowments Regents

34100-39799 Endowments Regents

93000-93999 Endowments Regents

95000-95999 Endowments Regents

41100-41999 UCSB Foundation Current Use Gifts and Endowments (Please contact UCSB Foundation)

17000-17999 UCSB Foundation Current Use Gifts and Endowments (Please contact UCSB Foundation)



Regents gift accounting questions: Shannon Garton 893-4095

UCSB Foundation gift accounting questions: Amanda Turner 893-3100

Gift Administration questions: Dawn Senchuk 893-3808