Searching for Small Businesses for Federal Subcontracting Plans

By Staff Writer - February 19, 2020


On February 19, 2020, Heather Perry, Sustainable Procurement Program Manager and campus Small Business Officer explained the transition from Gateway Supplier Class Flags to UC's contracted Supplier Diversity database, Explorer, as your trusted source to validate and search for small and diverse vendors. Whether you're a Contracts and Grants Liaison, department purchaser for a federal contract, or are looking to support the UC's Economically and Socially Responsible spend goal, this tool will assist you!

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New Commodity Codes for Categorizing Purchases in Gateway

By Staff Writer - July 29, 2019


On July 29, 2019, Kathleen Yabsley, Gateway Systems Manager, discussed the new commodity codes, with detailed descriptions for categorizing purchases, that were added to the Gateway commodity code list. Accurately categorizing purchases allows us insight into how we spend UC funds, and in turn we can negotiate better discounts to redirect the funds for use in education and research.

[View the presentation deck]

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