Is your department going to provide a service to an external client? If so, a contract is required. Please follow the steps below to obtain a revenue contract. The Revenue Contract Request in Gateway must be used for services that have an approved Income & Recharge proposal or one-time service request. Revenue Contracts must be fully signed prior to the start of service.

For information related to Income & Recharge:

What if you’re unsure it's a Services Agreement through our department, or if it's Research?

UC defines research as follows:

The majority of the scope of work involves investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, the revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or the practical application of such new or revised theories or laws. University personnel are involved in decisions regarding the design or implementation of the research and/or the interpretation of the research results. University personnel are credited as authors on papers that emerge from the research. The work carried out by University personnel may (but need not) result in patentable or copyrightable technology or products. May be applied or basic research.

If you're still unsure if your department is performing services or research, see Section 7 on the Revenue Contract Request (Form B).

Use Gateway’s Revenue Contract Request Form

Departments must include either an approved Income and Recharge proposal or a one-time service request when submitting the Revenue Contract Request in Gateway.

If you have a current approved Income & Recharge proposal:

Submit the Revenue Contract Request form through Gateway and attach the following documents:

  1. Budget that includes the approved Income & Recharge rate and unit quantity
    1. If the contract period crosses fiscal years, base the current year budget on the current approved rate and build in a rate increase for future fiscal years
  2. Revenue Contract Request (Form B)
  3. Current Income & Recharge approval memo

Income & Recharge proposals require an annual review and must adhere to Academic Personnel Manual APM-020, BFB policy A-56, BFB policy A-47, and BFB policy A-59

If you do not have a current approved Income & Recharge proposal, it is considered a one-time service request:

One-time service requests are suitable when the department does not plan to offer the same or similar services to other clients. If this work will be recurring or made available to more than one client, the activity may be subject to Income & Recharge guidelines and requirements.

Instructions for completing a one-time service request:

  1. Prior to submitting the Revenue Contract Request in Gateway, the department must draft a preliminary budget and complete Section 1 of the One-Time Service Request Budget Questionnaire.
    1. It is recommended that departments use the One-Time Service Request Budget Template when drafting the budget.
  2. Department submits the One-Time Service Request Budget Questionnaire along with a copy of the budget and the Revenue Contract Request (Form B) to the designated divisional control point for endorsement (a list of divisional control points is provided below).
    1. Departments under the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, College of Creative Studies, College of Engineering, College of Letters & Science, and Gevirtz Graduate School of Education must submit these documents to their respective dean for endorsement first and then to the EVC office.
    2. The following is a list of divisional control points:
      1. Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor for all departments under Academic Affairs
      2. Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services for all departments under Administrative Services
      3. Vice Chancellor for External Relations for all departments under External Relations
      4. Vice Chancellor of Research for all departments under Office of Research
      5. Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs for all departments under Student Affairs
      6. Vice Chancellor – Chief Financial Officer of Finance & Resource Management for all departments under Finance & Resource Management and Athletics
  3. Control point completes Section 2 of the One-Time Service Request Budget Questionnaire and provides endorsement.
    1. Control point to consult with the Office of Budget & Planning if any exceptions are requested.
    2. For departments under the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, College of Creative Studies, College of Engineering, College of Letters & Science, and Gevirtz Graduate School of Education the dean's office will complete Section 2 prior to submitting the form to the EVC Office for their endorsement.
  4. Submit a Revenue Contract Request through Gateway and attach the following documents:
    1. Budget
    2. One-Time Service Request Budget Questionnaire
    3. Revenue Contract Request (Form B)

Important considerations for one-time service request budgets:

  • External clients may not be subsidized and full cost recovery must be sought
  • Include CBR, VLA, UCRP Supplemental Interest and GAEL as appropriate. See the Office of Budget & Planning website for more information:
  • Include a Non-University Differential (NUD) markup of at least 55.5% on total direct costs. NUD is to be increased based on what the market will bear. The minimum NUD markup rate will be reviewed annually and is subject to change
    • Anticipate a Non-State Funded Administration Support (NSFAS) assessment of 10% (or current NSFAS rate) on all expenditures (not including the actual NSFAS expense) to be funded from NUD
    • Exceptions must be justified and approved by both the Dean (if applicable), the divisional control point (Vice Chancellor level), and the Office of Budget & Planning

Need help navigating Gateway’s Revenue Contract Request Form?

View a list of steps with screenshots

Refer to Page 9 to see how to search for these revenue forms after submission.