Procurement Services Training

Additional training topics:

Interested in a targeted topic training? We'd be happy to create a specific training session for your department - email us at

Purchasing Classes

Purchasing Basics & the Public Contract Code

Reviewed are the CA procurement law, UC purchasing policies such as bids, small business, conflict of interest, and data security. We also discuss signing documents and purchasing ethics as a public employee.

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Vendoring Basics

Information on the process for adding a vendor, editing a vendor, who to contact when in need of assistance, what does and does not go into Gateway, and review of additional informational resources such as our website and vendor forms.

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Conflict of Interest

This class reviews conflict of commitment, use of University resources, and transactions involving current and former UC employees and near relatives of UC employees.

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Restricted Commodities & Customs

This course goes over the highlights of the UCSB Campus Restricted Commodity List, and the routing/approval requirements for Importing goods and Export Control.

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Federal Purchasing + Form A Review

We review the various procurement requirements in the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB - Uniform Guidance) for federal contracts & grants. Includes overview of the Form A, and what constitutes a justifiable sole source and price reasonableness statement.

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Purchase and Revenue Contracts

Sometimes a procurement transaction can be a simple Purchase Order, and sometimes you need a contract. We'll discuss what needs a contract, what to look out for in Click-to-Agree contracts, and problematic provisions for the University.

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Independent Contractors & Contracting Out for Covered Services

Reviewed in this brief training are the California labor law (AB5) and UC labor policy (Article 5) governing hiring vendors in certain labor categories.

Register in the UC Learning Center

Gateway Classes

9/2020 - Gateway Approvals via Email & Jaggaer's Mobile App - Recorded Webinar

For the below Gateway Classes, please register for classes through the UC Learning Center:

Gateway 101

The Gateway 101 class will provide an introductory overview of the Gateway e-Procurement system. Topics include placing an order, receiving, invoicing, and helpful tips and tricks.

Gateway Forms

The second class in the Gateway series focuses on the many types of Forms in our e-Procurement Gateway system. Topics include Vendor Blankets, Contracts, Change Orders, Walk-In, Confirming, FlexCard, and others.

Gateway Receiving

The third class in the Gateway series focuses on the Receiver role. We will walk you through how and when to receive, briefly discuss invoices, and review frequently asked questions

GMC 101

The Gateway Management Console (GMC) is the integration point for how departments assign spend authority and approval for their Account Strings in Gateway. The GMC 101 class will provide department administrators information on how to manage accounts and users within their departments, discuss the DPA and DSA roles as well as project codes, and cost centers.