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July 2024 - New purchasing training available in the LMS, Event Rental vendors, Costco, Gateway updates, EPEAT award, Small Business First policy

May 2024 - New Department Buyer Requisition Checklist, Export Control Training, Costco Supplier Spotlight, Contract Extensions and Renewals, and FlexCard Business Hours

March 2024 - Data Security & GRLN Mini Tune Up, Gateway Updates, Supplier Spotlight, Onmina, and How to Access the Amazon Business Prime Account

January 2024 - Supplier Onboarding Mini Tune Up, ULT Freezer Rebates, Theft-Sensitive Items, 2024 sales tax changes, Catering update, eBike program

October 2023 - Competitive bid threshold requirement, audio visual bid award vendors, construction vs. maintenance, and what is fabrication?

August 2023 - Gateway training, Using FlexCard on Federal Funds, Property Disposal, Small Business First, and Taxes/Shipping in Gateway

June 2023 - VB/Contract renewals, Delegation of Authority video, Boat Charters, Asset Tags

April 2023 - Catering Mini Tune Up, Microsoft & Adobe Licensing, Helium Shortage, and new FlexCard Training

January 2023 - Campus-wide logo and AV contracts, covered services reminder, Linde update, data security refresher, and physical inventories

November 2022 - New Gateway punch-outs, export control user agreements, and OMNIA LAMP program

September 2022 - Amazon punch-out, hotel and event contracts, conflict of interest, Fisher Scientific update, and surplus property disposals

June 2022 - Updates to training, Equipment Management portal enhancements, Fabrication Notice, Small Business First update

March 2022 - UC Data Security Appendix Review, Small Business First update and resources, EIMRs in ServiceNow, Signing Vendor documents

January 2022 - Small Business First update, New Gateway Punch-Out, Physical Inventories, Theft-Sensitive items

November 2021 – Expediting service, FlexCard use for UCSB entities, Sharing UC internal email with Suppliers, Suddath and Praxair updates, Amazon Sustainable Products

August 2021 – Service Catalog, Micropurchase Increase, Sustainable electronics, Flexcard and Building Maintenance, Searching for Small Businesses

May 2021 - Mini Tune-Ups, Separation of Duties, Independent Contractors, Contracting Out for Covered Services, Sustainable office Products, Moving contracts, Equipment and Surplus custodian

January 2021 - Separation of Duties, Signing contracts + Click Agreements, Gateway vs. Construction, New UCOP contracts, Theft, Data Security

February 2020 - Restricted Commodities, Construction vs. Gateway, Supplier Diversity, Signing documents, SmartWay, and Tangram quotes

December 2019 - Vendor Gifts, Sustainability Dashboard, Paperless invoice pricessing, Contracting Out, Chemical Surplus Inventory, Data Security, Close vs. Cancel

October 2019

June 2019

January 2019

November 2018

August 2018

April 2018

February 2018