Sustainability in Research Labs

Considerations prior to purchasing:

  • Is it possible to share equipment with another lab instead of buying your own?
  • Can you coordinate this purchase with another lab?
  • Equipment that is too small may get overworked and could result in purchasing another unit in order to compensate.
  • Equipment that is too large wastes space and energy.
  • Evaluate product features that are energy efficient, conserve water and reduce waste.
  • Consolidate orders whenever possible to reduce packaging and emissions from shipping.
  • Have you considered purchasing from a small/diverse business?

The UC Sustainable Procurement Guidelines requires:

  • Equipment, such as ULT freezers, dishwashers, heating/cooling appliances, be ENERGY STAR® certified
  • Electronics, such as computers, monitors, printers, be at least EPEAT® certified Bronze
  • Water appliances and fixtures, such as faucets, be WaterSense® certified

where price-comparable (based on a total cost of ownership assessment) and consistent with the needs of University researchers, faculty, and staff.

Get your lab assessed and certified as a Green Lab! Per the UC Sustainable Practices Policy, each UC location shall maintain an ongoing Green Lab Assessment Program supported by a department on campus to assess the operational sustainability of research spaces. Learn more about UCSB’s LabRATS Assessments Program.

Rebate Programs

Looking to purchase a replacement unit for your lab that saves energy, water, and money?

Save up to $6,500 on an ENERGY STAR® ULT-freezer! Replacement ULT freezers that are ENERGY STAR® rated are eligible for a $4,000 TGIF rebate, and an additional $2,500 rebate from Fisher Scientific.

All other replacement ENERGY STAR® or WaterSense® certified equipment (commercial refrigerators, washers and dryers, dishwashers, etc.) is eligible for up to $1,000.

Review the eligibility criteria and apply for a rebate through visiting The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) website.

Ultra-Low Temp Freezers - Selecting Energy Efficient Models

Key Questions to Consider:

Is the lab likely to follow a scheduled maintenance procedure (yearly defrosting, cleaning exterior coils, etc.)? If yes, manual defrost freezers are generally more efficient than automatic. If not, automatic defrost freezers will be better than a frosted-over freezer.

If purchasing a small freezer, can the lab share with another group? Smaller ULT freezers consume more energy per sample than larger ones. If sharing a larger freezer with another group is possible, it will maximize efficiency.

Would the lab consider running their freezer at -70°C instead of -80 or -86°C? Many normal samples in ULT freezers can be safely stored at -70°C, but all samples are different. UCSB researchers were among the first in addition to Harvard, Dartmouth, UC Davis, and CU-Boulder to warm up to -70°C. View a list citing instances of samples successfully stored at -70C.

Summary of Desired Energy Efficiency Features/Practices:

  • Manual defrost (if following a cleaning/defrosting maintenance procedure)
  • Automatic defrost (if no cleaning/defrosting will be performed)
  • Maximized space usage in a large freezer (if possible)
  • Maintained temperature at -70°C

Lab Supplies

Looking for ways to reduce your lab’s carbon footprint? Consider Polycarbin! They are a small business with operations in CA that has developed a closed loop system for pipette tips, conicals and microcentrifuge tubes. Their products are made from 65-90% recycled material, which means they use 59% less water, 65% less energy and produce 71% less carbon emissions to manufacture compared to similar products made from virgin resources. These products are available for purchase in Gateway at discounted prices through a UC-wide contract.

The ACT Label represents Accountability, Consistency and Transparency. It is an eco-nutrition label for your equipment and supplies. Look for equipment, consumables, and reagents that have the ACT Label! Encourage manufacturers to use the ACT Label, and check back regularly for new products using the label.

Green Seal® is a third party, non-profit eco-label organization that certifies cleaning, sanitary and facilities care products and services based on health, sustainability, and product performance.

View guidance for purchasing Office products.