Recovered equipment is equipment with a UC property number which was previously reported as being either lost or stolen and removed from inventory via a Disposal EIMR. In a small number of cases, the equipment is discovered during a subsequent physical inventory (therefore, it was never actually lost) or is recovered as part of a police investigation of the theft.

Recovered equipment has an existing UC property number (distinguishing it from found equipment; see below).

  1. When preparing the EIMR, complete the header information: Department Name, Inventorial Custody Code of the recovered equipment, Contact and Contact Phone.
  2. Under the Type of Transaction, check the “Other” box.
  3. Under Remarks, enter a description of the transaction, generally a brief one describing the circumstances surrounding the recovery and a reference to the disposal (lost/stolen) EIMR number.
  4. In the Equipment Identification section, provide the property number of the recovered asset(s), the description (for cross-referencing) and value. Manufacturer, model number and serial number are not required, since the record remains in CATS and the asset only needs to be returned to active status: technically, the transaction is a re-acquisition, not a new acquisition.