Found equipment differs from recovered equipment in that it is equipment which never had a UC property number (to the best of anyone’s knowledge).

In very rare circumstances, a department discovers a piece of equipment while conducting a physical inventory, an item whose origins are a mystery. If the estimated value of the piece of equipment is greater than the $5,000 inventorial equipment threshold, a UC property number needs to be assigned.

  1. For each piece of equipment, provide the following information:
    1. Description (microcomputer, spectrometer, etc.)
    2. Manufacturer
    3. Model Number
    4. Serial Number
    5. Location (Building, Room)
    6. User Code
    7. Condition (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor)
    8. Estimated Current Value
  2. When preparing the EIMR, complete the header information: Department Name, Inventorial Custody Code of the found equipment, Contact and Contact Phone.
  3. Under the Type of Transaction, check the “Other” box.
  4. Under Remarks, a description of the transaction, generally a brief one describing the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the item, including a mention of the fact that full asset information is provided on an attachment.

The Equipment Identification section does not need to be completed, if an attachment is provided.

REX Screenshot #8