Equipment Management initiates most EIMRs related to fabrications, at the point when the value of a fabrication (usually via low value or shop charges) crosses the $5,000 inventorial equipment threshold. Once the property number is assigned, Equipment Management sends a copy of the EIMR, with the property tag attached, to the department for its information and tagging of the fabrication. Occasionally, however, departments may need to prepare an EIMR related to a fabrication, usually when recording its completion.

  1. When preparing the EIMR, complete the header information: Department Name, Inventorial Custody Code to which the fabrication is to be assigned, Contact and Contact Phone.
  2. Under the Type of Transaction, check the “Fabrication” box.
  3. Under Remarks, enter a description of the transaction. It is helpful to include the location (building and room) and user information for the fabrication, so this information can be entered into the CATS record (if not already on file).
  4. If there are any inventorial components to the fabrication (pieces of equipment that received their own property numbers), enter this information in the Equipment Identification section of the EIMR. Attachments may be used.
  5. Under Department Fabrication, enter the fabrication’s values, divided as necessary between Labor Costs (machine, etc. shop charges), Materials & Supplies (generally purchased on a low value number but also via purchase order), Equipment Components (the total of the items listed in the Equipment Identification section) and the TOTAL Cost of the Fabrication. Attachments may be used to provide a complete list of expenses.

    REX Screenshot #5

More detailed information on fabrications will be provided, at a later date, elsewhere on the Equipment Management website.