An employer identification number (EIN), also known as a federal tax identification number, is used to identify a business entity.
UCSB's employer identification number is 95-6006145. The UCPath EIN is 94-3067788.
UCSB’s related organizations have separate EINs, which are listed in the UC Accounting Manual. The UCSB Associated Student’s EIN is 95-1792262. The UCSB Alumni Association EIN is 95-3767311.
If a department at UCSB believes it needs a unique taxpayer ID number to distinguish itself from the general taxpayer ID number, or needs to change a name or address to an existing EIN, the department must contact Tax Services, which is the Office of Record for all EINs at UCSB.
For information on responding to requests for the EIN or other taxpayer ID numbers for UCSB, see the article "Requests for UCSB's Taxpayer ID Numbers" in Related Information.
An employer identification number (EIN) is a tax identification number used by businesses and other entities. EIN holders are required by regulation to update responsible party information with the IRS. The IRS should be notified within 60 days of certain changes.
The IRS points out this requirement is a key security issue. If data on file with the IRS is outdated or incorrect, this jeopardizes the IRS’s ability to quickly contact the business in case of identity theft.
EIN holders should use Form 8822-B, Change of Address or Responsible Party-Business to provide updated information about the entity’s responsible party or business location.
Individuals or entities with EINs that are no longer in use should follow the steps in Canceling an EIN-Closing Your Account.