BFS Unit or Topic Question Category
Procurement Services Back-Up Roles FlexCard Department Roles
Procurement Services Can I use the FlexCard for federal orders? FlexCard
Procurement Services Can I use my FlexCard to purchase from the Bookstore, TPS, or other UCSB Units? FlexCard
Procurement Services Can I use the FlexCard for federal orders under $10,000? FlexCard
Procurement Services My card was declined, what do I do? FlexCard
Procurement Services Can I purchase gift cards with my FlexCard? FlexCard
Procurement Services If I am unavailable, can another employee in my department use the FlexCard that is issued to me? FlexCard
Procurement Services How can I access my FlexCard monthly statement? FlexCard
Procurement Services What do I do if an unidentified charge appears in the FlexCard Allocation Module? FlexCard
Procurement Services My FlexCard is going to expire, what do I do? FlexCard
Procurement Services What is a Statement of Fraud? FlexCard
Procurement Services How do I request a limit increase on my FlexCard? FlexCard
Procurement Services I accidentally used my FlexCard for a personal purchase. What should I do? FlexCard
General Accounting What should I do if it’s getting close to the end of the fiscal year, and I have incurred expenses but not paid for them, or received a payment for services that will not occur until the new year? Fiscal Year End
General Accounting What should I do if it’s getting close to the end of the fiscal year, and I have paid for expenses that belong in the new year, or performed services that will not be paid for until the new year? Fiscal Year End
Controller's Office What does the term "to the best of my knowledge and belief' mean in terms of the scope and level of detail of information that a dean could reasonably be expected to possess when signing his/her certification? Fiscal Closing Certifications
Controller's Office What is the materiality threshold for the deans? Fiscal Closing Certifications
Controller's Office Is there a working definition for determining what is required to be accrued? Fiscal Closing Certifications
Controller's Office Must disclosure always be made in writing to the campus controller, or can it be made to the dean's own financial officer, campus legal counsel or others? Fiscal Closing Certifications
Controller's Office How do deans treat their knowledge of central control weakness in their certifications if the deans have received a presentation disclosing central internal control weaknesses and plans for addressing them? Fiscal Closing Certifications
Controller's Office What is a dean's personal and professional exposure if he/she signs the certification letter and then the PwC audit team turns up a reportable condition in his/her school? Fiscal Closing Certifications
Controller's Office Is there a standard of due diligence that deans should meet to sign the letter? Fiscal Closing Certifications
Controller's Office What happens if a dean refuses to sign his/her certification letter or signs it with certain qualifications? Fiscal Closing Certifications
Controller's Office Who drafted and approved the current dean's certification letter? Fiscal Closing Certifications
BARC What if my banking information changes? Financial Aid
BARC Can I opt out of eRefund? Financial Aid
BARC Do I have the option of having the excess credit remain on my BARC Account to be applied to future charges? Financial Aid
BARC I requested a CARES Act Emergency Grant Payment ("CARE Grant"). What expenses can I pay with these funds? Financial Aid
BARC Can I sign up for eRefund even if I am not receiving Financial Aid? Financial Aid
BARC How do I know when my refund has been deposited to my checking account? Financial Aid