The first step for a department or unit that would like to accept credit cards is to have a discussion with the Coordinator.  At that time, the department/unit will discuss their plans, potential revenue, etc.  In addition, the Coordinator will review with them all aspects of credit card acceptance, including the approval process, the type of setup the unit/department is requesting, potential suppliers and solutions, associated fees, and UC, campus, and regulatory policies and requirements.

Campus Credit Card Coordinator Review

The Coordinator will want to gain an understanding of the department/unit’s need to accept credit cards. Things to consider are the amount of potential revenue to be generated and level of staff support to manage the acceptance and reconciliation of all credit card income/fees. A review of the activities will also be done to consider potential issues such as the responsibilities and costs of meeting compliance requirements, need for a revenue account, unrelated business income tax (UBIT) reporting, and the approval of the activities by the campus Rate and Recharge Committee.

Campus Controller Approval

The Campus Controller approves all requests from departments/units to accept credit cards.  This is done via a letter from the department/unit head, which is routed to the Coordinator and on to the Campus Controller. The Coordinator will supply a template that can be used as the basis for the letter.